Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Up on Goodreads

I, and Keowee Valley, are officially up on Goodreads--that fabulous site for lovers of all things booky.

Check "us" out when you get a chance:

When I was cleared to join as an author, Goodreads merged my old personal page with my new author one. That being said, all my many book reviews and the unending list of books I've read (and am currently reading) will be there, along with some of my favorite quotations, a bio, events, news and more. There's also a feed to this blog, so any time I post here, it'll also show up on Goodreads.

Soon, reviews of Keowee Valley will start appearing on Goodreads. Which I, of course, find terrifying and wonderful at the same time.

As one of my publishers extraordinaire, the author Deborah Smith, likes to say:


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