Monday, October 1, 2007

Bring it on, Big Sky!

Well, I made it to the tiny, former gold mining town of Basin, Montana, for my Writer's Residency at the Montana Artists' Refuge. I'm here for an entire month, which means that I've got to accomplish big things in Big Sky Country.

The adventure began last night in Greenville, S.C., when at the last minute my Dad suggested I check my flight plan. Suddenly, Delta had me flying all the way to La Guardia in NY, and not arriving in Bozeman until 9 p.m.--which would've had me driving across the desolate West in the pitch. Needless to say, Dad the Hero jumped in, Stuart (the other hero) drove me to Charlotte at 4 a.m., and I caught a direct flight to Salt Lake. In Salt Lake I arrived with twenty minutes to spare between flights, and so I high-tailed it through the airport in my hiking shoes, leaving little children and groups of traveling football fans in my wake. When I got to my gate it had been switched to another, and so I ran (large backpack atop my small back) to the new gate, where I discovered that it had been changed again. I hoofed it up the escalator to another gate, past a group of men at a bar who were really getting a kick out of me by this point, and made it with a minute to spare. I was so exhausted on the flight to Bozeman that I slept through the complimentary beverage... doggone it.

Then, I got my wheels: Hertz decided that I'd surely have a sense of humor, and so they gave me a purple PT Cruiser. I'll spend the next month driving through the Rockies passing tough-guy trucks and horse trailers, looking like Dick Tracy on estrogen. But hey, it works.

Southwestern Montana is aflame with the high gold of Autumn, and yellow and orange trees cover the mountainsides in patches, sometimes interspersing with evergreens. There are rocks everywhere--and "beware of rockslides" signs at every milepost--and they stick up out of the ground like the tombstones of giants, cast haphazardly down hillsides and across fields. The evergreens grow up and out of these rocks defiantly, and I like that.

Basin is just off Highway 15, and my home for the next month is a high-ceilinged room in an old brick building once used somehow in the mining biz. I unloaded my groceries and tried to make it mine the first hour I was here. Now my shampoo's in the shower, my Clemson hat is hanging on a nail in the loft (despite our recent disaster at GA Tech), my travel candle is lit, and my photos are taped up on the wall behind my makeshift desk: Cal and John David on the night of their engagement, puppy-aged Scout and me on Black Balsalm, Mom and Dad all gussied up at Cal's wedding, Scout (again) in black and white, and Stuart and me on the deck of the Gulf Stream Restaurant at sunset.

Now, all I have to do is open myself up to this gift of time and place. To fight off longing for my husband and the pull of my own mercurial mind, and to write. To create. To decide that this is it--the writing life in the here and now.

Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

The only negative comment I have on your keeping a blog is that your color choices make it too damn hard to read ;-) I'd suggest a lighter blue for your text, please. :-)

Looking forward to keeping up with ya!

Katherine S. Crawford said...

I hear you.... Next time I'll write in a lighter color!

Thanks for keeping up....

Unknown said...

LOVE YOU KATE! Loved the first blog...this is really great because I can read them while in the library pretending to study.

Kristi said...

Katie.....I am so impressed you are doing this. I must agree with Rachael.. when I started reading I had to lean up till my nose almost touched the computer screen!! ;-) It was VVEERRRYYY entertaining though and when you were talking about your dad I only thought of my dad telling me to do the same thing. My parentals are off in the wilderness in British Columbia where there is no phone and they say it is gorgeous. Have fun and happy writing!!

Kristi said...

Hey Katie....the pictures you sent out are amazing. I enjoy reading your blog and I cannot wait to hear about all the stories you have. It sounds like you have had yourself adventure out west. Keep writing!!

Kristi said...

What a fun hike! I am scared of any matter what type. You definitely need to go to Glacier National Park. It is beautful!!!

Katherine S. Crawford said...

Sadly, we're not going to make it to Glacier. The roads are all closing up, and the only entrances are too far away... and even then we probably couldn't get too far into the Park. But oh well--it just means I'll be coming back some day!